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What Did You Think of Magma 42?

Here’s your opportunity to give us some feedback about Magma 42 – what you liked and what you think could be improved. And of course it’s our opportunity to hear from you.

Did you enjoy the selection of poems? Did it introduce you to some new voices you didn’t know, as well as offering you some more familiar ones?

You may have noticed that Magma has got bigger, more pages giving you even more than before and the design has been refreshed. Did you like the fresh look?

Did you think the groupings of the poems into different headings worked well?

What did you feel about the mix and variety of the prose?

Do you think there’s anything missing? Are there any features you’d like to see in future issues?

Comments (5)

  1. Ko shin – thanks! And there’s plenty more in the print version…

    Harold – glad you found Laurie’s piece stimulating.

  2. Good to see a new poem from each of the Gregory Award winners – Adam O’Riordan and Emily Berry’s stuff in particular.

    The poems by Beverly Nadin, Mark Waldron and Claire Crowther were also good reads, I thought, and I’m liking the changes to the cover design and inside layout.


  3. Hi fellow poets.
    I am new to Magma and would like to say how great it is and particularly to compliment Laurie Smith on her fascinating article. It has really got me thinking about why we don’t have a stronger poetry tradition in the UK. After all, we have a strong music tradition and yet music has not always been well taught in schools. But then I realised that there are two differences between music and poetry. One is that children often have the opportunity to attend music lessons privately and/or join school or church choirs. Second is that there is money in music. Record companies know how to make a lot of money out of great music. I hope Laurie gets to see these comments. I would be interested to know her thoughts. Take care. And thank you for this. Kathyx

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