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Meet the Magma Poetry Editors – Q&A Session on Twitter

Magma Poetry is going to be hosting its first Online Meet-the-Editors Q&A session via Twitter on Friday 3 June at 1.00 p.m. British Summer Time (12 noon GMT) for about an hour. And we welcome questions and queries – on Twitter please! – from now until Friday.

Julia Bird, editor of the current issue, Magma 49, will answer your questions and queries about editing the magazine. You will need a Twitter account to ask a question, but you can read the dialogue even if you don’t. So if you’ve ever wondered whether poems have to be on theme, how the rotating editorship affects decisions, whether you can submit a poem if you’ve never been published before, or how long a poem should be, or any other query related to publishing poems in Magma, on Friday 3 June, Julia will have the answers.

Twitter Users – How the Q&A Works

  1. Magma’s Twitter address is @magmapoetry.
  2. Questions should be tweeted to @magmapoetry any time from Tuesday 31 May and particularly between 1.00 and 2.00 p.m. BST on Friday when Julia will answer as many as she can.
  3. The hashtag for the session is #magmachat so please add this to all your question and query tweets. Julia will add #magmachat to all the replies, so the conversation can be followed via the hashtag.

Not a Twitter User?

For those of you who would like to follow the Q&A session but do not wish to join Twitter, Julia’s answers can be read from 1.00 pm BST on 3 June by clicking on this link. Please note this will only give access to comments, or tweets, by Magma. If you would like to read the incoming questions as well as the answers you will need to go to Twitter’s home page at and put #magmachat into the search box. You may need to refresh it every now and then to get recent posts.

For those of you who would like to join in or learn more about Twitter. Here are a couple of really useful guides to Twitter and how it works, one from
and another at

Look forward to hearing from you and joining in the chat on Friday.

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