Magma 51 Launch Reading on 14 November with Selima Hill and Pascale Petit
Magma 51 is now available to buy from the Magma website and in bookshops. The issue is edited by Jacqueline Saphra with Ian McEwen with the theme ‘Profane and Sacred’.
Don’t miss the Magma 51 launch reading on Monday 14th November at The Troubadour, Earl’s Court, London.
As well as the usual host of contributors who’ll be coming to read, we’re also thrilled to have as our guest readers Pascale Petit and Selima Hill who have both contributed poems to this issue.
The evening will start at 8pm sharp, at The Troubadour Coffee House, 265 Old Brompton Road, London SW5 (near Earl’s Court Tube. Tickets are £7/£6 concessions and you can also pick up a copy of the magazine or take out a subscription.
Hope you can make it. We’d love to see you there.