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Apology for Duplicate Updates from the Magma Blog

Hello everyone, and sincere apologies to those of you who received a batch of duplicate blog updates in your inbox/RSS reader this morning.

I’m not 100% sure of the reason for this, but it strikes me as more than coincidence that this morning we were forced to move our RSS feed from Feedburner to Google. (Google bought Feedburner a few months ago.) So it looks like a technical hiccup from moving the feed.

Assuming the move to Google was the reason, I hope you will understand that we have no control over this change as it was imposed by Google. The good news is we shouldn’t have to move the feed again, so fingers crossed you shouldn’t get any more duplicates. You are welcome to e-mail me if you have any further problems.

Apologies again for the inconvenience — normal service will (hopefully) now be resumed!

Mark McGuinness

Magma Web Team

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