We are delighted to announce the publication of Annihilation by Asim Khan, the winner of the Magma 2022 Open Pamphlet Competition
Family and subjectivity, whether that includes narratives that are introspective, or about personal history or faith, intertwine with the biological. I am in awe of how this poet turns language so that our presence is ‘mineral’ or the self is a forest annihilated. – Alycia Pirmohamed, Magma Pamphlet Competition Judge
Organic writing and ecological poetry at its very best. Seeded by music, art, philosophy and science, these poems subvert traditional forms to make way for new possibility and radical thinking. In Annihilation destruction signals reconstruction. – Cheryl Moskowitz
Asim Khan lives and works in Birmingham and is currently engaged in doctoral research exploring ecopoetics, climate catastrophe and the apocalyptic mode on the Warwick Writing Programme. His poetry has been published in Magma, The Willowherb Review, Soundings, Amberflora, Finished Creatures, Eighty Four, Lighthouse Journal, Perverse, Moving Poems.
Buy a copy (UK post) – £7
Buy a copy (Rest of World post) – £10