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Magma 85, Poems for Schools

Edited by Ashley Hickson-Lovence, Laurie Smith and Gill Ward

Teaching poetry in secondary schools is going through a difficult time in England at the moment, largely due to reformed GCSE English Literature and an excessive focus on exam preparation. This affects all literature teaching and is resulting in a steep decline in numbers taking English Literature A Level and English degrees. We risk becoming a nation in which love of literature, especially poetry, is perhaps discovered by some adults in later life, if at all.

We believe poetry taught in schools should be much more varied and inclusive; the articles in Magma 85 explain why. All the poems in the issue would be good to teach in schools – including new poems by Malika Booker, Sita Brahmachari, Lewis Buxton, Luke Kennard, Joelle Taylor, Sophia Thakur and Marvin Thompson –  and we’ve included suggestions for teaching some of them, but we think everyone will enjoy them too.

Cover image by Alvin Erbil, Year 12 student at Fortismere School, North London
Read an interview with Alvin here


Magma Selected: Alison Binney
Listen to Alison read her poems here


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Magma 85 Editorial: First read this Teaching poetry in secondary schools is going through a difficult time at the moment. As Barbara Bleiman explains on page 40, there are several reasons for this: teachers’ anxiety about assessment so that poetry-for-exams has come to dominate all poetry teaching; Senior Leaders requiring direct evidence of learning in every lesson; and the heavy focus…
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